Claims Brought Against You

Has your employee brought a grievance or claim against you? Or, do you anticipate a grievance or claim because you are going to dismiss them or start disciplinary proceedings?

We specialise in guiding employers through grievance and disciplinary procedures whether it is an action brought against them or an action they are taking against their employee.

We can make sure your HR team or you, as a line manager, are fully up to date on the rules and options available to you and that you understand what you should be doing: what documents to disclose and what timescales you should follow. We can prepare draft letters and documents to ensure they are keeping with the employment regulations; draft compromise agreements if mutual termination is agreed; or, prepare redundancy packages to ensure that they are not mistaken for dismissal manoeuvres.

We can negoitate with employees during a dispute and try and resolve matters by means of a settlement agreement, or we will help you dismiss them fairly and in line with the rules.

We can prepare ET3 defences for claims that are issued and represent you if a Tribunal hearing becomes necessary.

If buying or selling a business we advise on TUPE (transfer) rules for employers to avoid unfair dismissal claims. We can draft redundancy packages that avoid such claims and if you want to change your employees contracts then we can advise you beforehand so you are not in breach of the contract.

Whatever the problem feel free to call us for an initial chat so we can assist you before the problem goes too far.

Our approach:

Our specialist employment team understand the need for swift, frugal advice with the ultimate goal to settle and avoid costly tribunal hearings. Whether it’s advising on a document, defending or issuing a claim or negotiating a settlement we are commercial, practical and above all motivated to protect you without undue costs.

Employment law is ever-evolving our job is to stay on top of the regulations, keep our clients abreast of the changes by adapting their documents and our advice as such we are not just reacted to your instructions but proactive in updating you throughout.

Quick Contact

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We can usually offer a free consultation to businesses before you commit to any particular type of legal action or commercial project. All your business requirements can be handled under one roof by our team. Simply call our client management department for a free consultation or no-obligation quotation for our services.

What do our clients say about us?

“the supportive, personal and proactive approach got our merger across the line. We would like to thank the Commercial Team for their commercial expertise and robust approach.”

“My solicitor at A City Law Firm worked tirelessly and with the utmost professionalism on my behalf”