

Flexible Working Bill: How could it affect the workplace?

Flexible Working Bill: How could it affect the workplace?

Currently flexible working is at the discretion of employers and only available to those after 26 weeks of continuous service ...
Business resilience – you are a survivor despite political, financial and UK unrest

Business resilience – you are a survivor despite political, financial and UK unrest

Whatever you make of the ‘mini budget’ it’s clear that the UK is in the midst of an economic downturn ...
Cohabitees: are you protected in law?

Cohabitees: are you protected in law?

Karen Holden outlines your rights if you are cohabiting and the legal risks you might be running if you don’t ...
International Women’s day: Have business laws changed for the better and have we gone far enough?

International Women’s day: Have business laws changed for the better and have we gone far enough?

Our Founder Karen Holden has foundered the Female Founders London growth Program, seeking to offer support for scaling companies with a female ...
Changing our Employment Rights – Consolidation or chaos?

Changing our Employment Rights – Consolidation or chaos?

Employment Law will be changed radically by 2023 as the Government publishes the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill 2022-23 ...
Frozen for the future

Frozen for the future

the latest developments around egg freezing and how they can help working women who want to plan their families years ...
The Queen’s passing has saddened the world as well changing how we may now see our future Monarchy as Charles becomes King.

The Queen’s passing has saddened the world as well changing how we may now see our future Monarchy as Charles becomes King.

The government has decided to make her funeral date 19th September 2022 a bank holiday. This means schools are closing; ...
What are employee rights when it comes to the menopause at work?

What are employee rights when it comes to the menopause at work?

Karen Holden from A City Law Firm outlines the latest legal developments when it comes to the menopause in the ...
How can we change the female founders growth landscape?

How can we change the female founders growth landscape?

There is a problem with scaling, investment and growth for female-led businesses. The facts are not pretty. How do we ...
At current rates, for all-female teams to reach even 10% of all deals will take more than 25 years (until 2045).

At current rates, for all-female teams to reach even 10% of all deals will take more than 25 years (until 2045).

The Alison Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship published in March 2019, highlighted that up to £250 billion of new value could ...
Start-up / scale-up business protection tips: cashflow, investment, confidentiality, pre-contract terms

Start-up / scale-up business protection tips: cashflow, investment, confidentiality, pre-contract terms

What do you need before you embark on your growth plan? Businesses, especially start-ups and scale-ups, will often need to ...
Where's the stapler? | What to do if you think an employee is stealing

Where’s the stapler? | What to do if you think an employee is stealing

Whether it’s stationery going walkabouts, food vanishing from the fridge or chargers being ‘borrowed’ and never returned, office theft can ...
Top legal tips to franchise your business

Top legal tips to franchise your business

There are many ways to expand your business, one option is franchising. This is where a business sells the right ...
Equal tweeting

Equal tweeting

Karen Holden from A City Law Firm on the complexities for employers of negotiating equality policy with regard to social ...
Pride in the Workplace: Inclusion what does this really mean

Pride in the Workplace: Inclusion what does this really mean

As we celebrated Pride month in June we all look to reflect on what has been achieved and what we ...
Pride in the Workplace

Pride in the Workplace

As we celebrate National Inclusion Week (26 September to 2 October), is your company doing enough to foster a genuinely ...
Business and the Gender Pay Gap

Business and the Gender Pay Gap

There have long been laws designed to stop pay discrimination in the UK. It is, in fact, unlawful under the ...


How does a business thrive if its staff are sick, quarantining or sat on long NHS waiting lists, as employers ...
Legal Issues in the Tech Space

Legal Issues in the Tech Space

Technology is constantly evolving as more and more innovation is introduced into the market. Over the last 50 years, we ...
Calling Female Founders

Calling Female Founders

Anyone see what’s wrong with this picture? – 0.8% of VC funding was afforded female led businesses in London -At ...