by | Jun 26, 2023 | All Articles, Commercial Property, Karen Holden, LGBT
As technology lawyers we frequently draft bespoke documents, work with AI and machine learning companies, but since we are always personally overseeing what we do and give personal support we are confident that our approach is informed, unbiased and focused. However,...
by | Nov 8, 2022 | All Articles, Business Start-Up, Commercial Law, Commercial Property, Employees, Employers
Currently flexible working is at the discretion of employers and only available to those after 26 weeks of continuous service. Some employers need full time in person staff ; some could offer remote or part-time working , but Covid19 has stirred up many changes in the...
by | Jul 15, 2022 | All Articles, Commercial Law, Commercial Property, Corporate, Employees, Employers
There have long been laws designed to stop pay discrimination in the UK. It is, in fact, unlawful under the Equality Act 2010 to pay women and men unequal amounts for equal work. That includes basic pay, bonuses, annual leave entitlement, and other benefits....
by | Jul 14, 2022 | All Articles, Commercial Law, Commercial Property, Corporate, Covid-19, Employees, Employers, Employment Law articles
How does a business thrive if its staff are sick, quarantining or sat on long NHS waiting lists, as employers may clearly want to support its employees but it also has to juggle the business needs. Following the Covid-19 pandemic, personal health and wellbeing have...
by | Apr 11, 2022 | All Articles, Business Start-Up, Commercial Law, Commercial Property
Artificial Intelligence software (AI) is a technology that can perform “human intelligence” like tasks, such as perceiving, learning, and problem-solving. Examples of AI include Alexa, self-driving cars, chatbots and targeted marketing tools. Given the...
by | Nov 24, 2020 | All Articles, Business Start-Up, Commercial Law, Commercial Property, Dispute articles
As the UK prepares for Brexit with the transition period due to end on 31 December 2020, it is an important time for businesses operating in the tech sector. Trade agreement or not there will be significant changes. From 1 January 2021, it is vital that...