by | Apr 21, 2020 | All Articles, Business Start-Up, Commercial Law, Covid-19
What are the insolvency measures, in place, during lockdown? Following from the UK Government’s announcements that they will provide financial assistance to businesses that are facing collapse, it seems that a number of business have acknowledged that such...
by | Apr 21, 2020 | All Articles, Commercial Law, Covid-19
Protecting you as a director , during potential insolvency. As a director insolvency is complex and personal liabilities and sanctions can be a concern. We have written this article to help you navigate through the current procedures and support you , personally, not...
by | Apr 15, 2020 | All Articles, Covid-19, Divorce Law
Should you delay court applications until normality resumes? The social distancing requirements have changed the way we live our lives and, for the most part, we must stay in our homes to stop the spread of the coronavirus. But what if you are in the middle of...
by | Apr 14, 2020 | All Articles, Child Law, Covid-19, Divorce Law
We are now into the fourth week of the lockdown and the world looks very different. Whilst some aspects of life are now on hold, there are some areas which are vital and must continue. Our judicial system is one of them. But how can justice still be delivered during a...
by | Apr 6, 2020 | All Articles, Child Law, Covid-19
How to remain calm and both see your children COVID-19 is causing increased tension for co-parents across the country, as they contend with child arrangements such as contact and home-schooling whilst managing work issues and financial security. Co-parenting in most...