by | Nov 19, 2015 | All Articles, Business Start-Up, Commercial Law, Jackie Watts
Are your trade secrets safe? Confidential information is non-public privileged information pertaining to a company’s business. Such information can include, trade secrets, proprietary information, know-how, technical, business or financial information and...
by | Nov 19, 2015 | All Articles, Business Start-Up, Commercial Law
How much control can you afford to relinquish? It is essential you decide on this early on , as it is very easy to accept an investors terms when they are offering you a much needed cash injection. What level of control do you need to retain to be able to...
by | Nov 19, 2015 | All Articles, Commercial Law, Dispute articles, Karen Holden
Empty Judgments: What to do when faced with an insolvent defendant company. It is a claimant’s nightmare: succeed in obtaining a judgment against a defendant company only to find that the company is insolvent or does not have sufficient means to satisfy the...
by | Nov 19, 2015 | All Articles, Business Start-Up, Commercial Law, Jackie Watts
Terms and Conditions (Ts & Cs) are an essential part of all businesses. They should provide clarity for customers and strike a fair balance to encourage business while offering you sufficient protection from the distraction and cost of disputes. Inadequately...
by | Nov 19, 2015 | All Articles, Business Start-Up, Commercial Law, Jackie Watts, NEWS ARTICLES
Google has become so renowned and ingrained in our daily lives that it’s the first thing that pops into your head when you want to know the answer to almost anything. “Google it” has become an in-built reaction to being asked a question you...