by | Feb 27, 2020 | All Articles, Child Law, Surrogacy
Surrogacy should be an exciting process, but at times it can feel daunting too. Getting professional legal advice is one of the easiest things you can do to ensure that your journey is as stress-free as possible. This article covers questions you may have about...
by | Feb 27, 2020 | All Articles
As with all other assets, cryptocurrency such a Bitcoin must be properly disclosed within financial remedy proceedings following a divorce. However, due to its pseudonymous nature, clients going through the divorce process, where the onus is on each spouse to honestly...
by | Feb 27, 2020 | All Articles, Bianca Martin
The law in England and Wales has now been changed to allow heterosexual couples the right to enter civil partnerships. On 2 December 2019 theCivilPartnership (Opposite-sex Couples) Regulations 2019 came into effect and eligibility for the Civil Partnership Act 2004...
by | Feb 27, 2020 | All Articles, Bianca Martin, Divorce Law
What will the ‘No Fault Divorce Bill’ mean for me? Taking the leap to begin a divorce or dissolution is never easy and can be made more difficult by navigating the legal process. One aspect of this process is the necessity to specify a reason for...
by | Feb 17, 2020 | All Articles, LGBT, Surrogacy
LGBT history has been around since the beginning of human history. Different time-periods and countries litter the history of LGBT rights with periods of acceptance and inclusion to oppression and religious persecution. Early LGBT+ History in the UK LGBT+ Rights in...