by | Sep 17, 2013 | All Articles, Commercial Property
The standard route is to commence proceedings in the County Court. In exceptional circumstances you can issue in the High Court. In the Claim Form you will be seeking an Order for Summary Possession. A hearing can be given within a week or 2 days in urgent...
by | Sep 15, 2013 | All Articles, Commercial Property, Karen Holden
Challenging rent terms in your lease: Canonical UK Ltd. v TST Millbank LLC In this case a tenant sought to break a lease, which clearly specified (as is normal practice) that for a break notice to be valid, all the rents payable under the lease had be paid up to...
by | Sep 10, 2013 | All Articles, Dispute articles, Karen Holden
So…You find yourself on the wrong side of an unfortunate business agreement. Money is owed to you. You try to negotiate, but the other side is either unwilling to be reasonable or even to negotiate at all. As with all legal disputes, prevention is cheaper...
by | Sep 10, 2013 | All Articles, Dispute articles
Debt Recovery Across EU Borders Is a company that owes you money based in another country in the European Union? Perhaps an individual debtor has dissipated his assets in England and moved abroad within the EU to frustrate your attempts to enforce locally....