The Civil Partnership Act 2004 has changed the law to allow couples who were in a same sex relationship to formally register their relationship. The Act conveys to civil partners basically the same rights and responsibilities as married couples enjoy, providing protection upon death or separation.
Pre-Civil Partnership Agreements
For further financial security you may want to consider a Civil Partnership Agreement. Though not strictly binding these agreements, entered into by you and your partner prior to registering your civil partnership, can be highly persuasive to the court in determining how your finances and assets will be divided should you dissolve your partnership. They will govern the assets owned prior to the civil partnership and also contributions made subsequently.
How do I end my partnership?
Civil partnerships are ended by dissolution in much the same way marriages are terminated by divorce. However, unlike marriage a civil partner cannot rely on adultery to prove that their relationship has irretrievably broken down. Do not forget, there will be important considerations on break-up such as finance and children.
For more information contact us…
0207 426 0382
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