When surrogacy goes wrong

When surrogacy goes wrong

A common concern, in the UK especially, is about the surrogate changing her mind and seeking to keep the child. Whilst on the flip side the government are also concerned about the vulnerable nature of some surrogates who could unfairly be taken advantage of by...
Surrogacy Reform

Surrogacy Reform

It shouldn't take a car crash for us to react. It shouldn't take sensationalist journalism and broadcasting to prick up your ear. It shouldn't take a parent losing their child for common sense to takeover the driving seat. Society and the law are interesting...
The Human Rights Act & Surrogacy

The Human Rights Act & Surrogacy

A Single Father’s Journey: The Trilogy The Family Courts have recently had to grapple with the particularly thorny issue of a single man seeking a Parental Order for a child born through surrogacy. Under the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Act 2008 (HFEA),...